Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Birds and another Jarrah Story

It has been a little while since I wrote.  And that was just about one event.  I have lots of pictures that I have taken lately.  And we have been pretty busy.. especially these last few days.  A Sunday before last Sunday, the first of our two latest baby peacocks hatched.  Sadly, out last batch (the two left) didn’t get old enough to be fast enough to run away from our carnivorous deer.  So this time, we built a pen up on our veranda for our new little hatchlings.  So the first hatched on the Sunday.  We found 3 newly hatched baby chickens to keep it company.  On Thursday, another peacock hatched so he had company.  Sadly (another one.. I’m overusing that word) this morning, this one did not seem very strong and he died after about 1 hour.  Not sure what exactly caused that.  Before he died, this morning, .. Oh, first I also need to explain, on Sunday or Monday this week a man came with a baby rabbit. 
Not too much of a baby luckily.  So he is put into the same pen.  He is a cute little bunny, relatively tame for a wild bunny.  Last night Amelie thought it would rain so made a nice temporary pen for him, unfortunately not very secure.  This morning, Amelie woke up to go to the toilet and I tell her to check the bunny.  He isn’t there (of course).  So the first event of this morning was the lost bunny.  Then the sick baby peacock.  Then.. since we were putting the baby peacock in a separate space this morning since he was sick, Amelie thought a little chick would keep him company.  Well the chick got out of her hands, and ended up flying into the dog who swiftly mouthed him.  Dead chick.  And only after that did the baby peacock die.  Anyway, a bad morning to say the least.  Later this afternoon, I hear Ung (or guard) yell something.  It wasn’t clear, so I ignored it.  He then calls on the phone saying that the bunny is out the front.  We head out there and quickly catch the bunny in the cattle grate under the gate!  Phew.  At least one of our problems has been rectified.  Can’t do anything about the other issues. 
We also acquired this week two featherless, blind baby Indian rollers.  They are the ugliest birds at the moment and they make such a racket. 

And, two half grown lapwings who I really want to let go but they just can’t fly good enough and will just get caught, again.  So our house at the moment is quite a baby bird nursery.  There are also the four new baby puppies – enough baby animals to keep us all busy.

I didn’t really want to write about all that right now. 
I wanted to talk about my difficult daughter!
Well, I started to write that a couple of days ago and now I can’t remember what the issue was. Oh, I remember now..maybe – but here is an incident describing my problems!

Jarrah was given a colouring  book a few months ago.  She accidently tore the cover off.  She also didn’t like all the pages in it.  So she didn’t like the book anymore. Well we worked out that we could tear out the pages that she liked.  She chose a few and we tore them out.  We then decided that she could make a new book out of them.  We put coloured card paper on the back and the front.  Then it was all pretty and nice.  But oh no.  The pages that she liked were there but also the pages that she didn’t like.  They were there, and that wasn’t acceptable.  I took it apart again to put all the pages that she liked on the facing side.  But that also wasn’t good enough.  Then she worked out that stapling the pages onto the coloured card would get rid of the unsightly side.  So we did that.. for four pages.  But then we only had two coloured paper.  And there were extra pages.  Anyway, we stapled that together.  But then the book had the colouring pages on the cover and backcover.  What to do!?? So finally she worked out that  getting plain white paper as the covers (as I wouldn’t let her have anymore card).  Finally – solved. Phew.

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