Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bambi Part II

I think in a developed country we would probably be up for child neglect or for child endangerment or something... so I hope no one reports us when we go on a visit home!

Let me elaborate.

We got home home on Sunday from our visit to Borneo with the American Aunties, an Uncle and Grandmama and Grandpapa!  More on that later.  Mum and Dad returned with us to Cambodia and we finally got home on Sunday.  Had a clean up day at home on Monday.  Tuesday morning we were going to start school again for Amelie.  At 7.30 am while I was getting breakfast, we all hear loud loud screeching.  Rushing outside Amelie is making a run for the steps.  Bambi in pursuit.  After the last incident in April, we had locked him up.  His horns then fell off so we let he free again thinking he would be pretty harmless now.

He had knocked her down and she had some nasty gashes on her back.  And on closer look, a very nasty gash just on her hairline about 10 cm long and pretty, pretty deep.  Apparently Bambi also likes to bite.  So off we dash again to the hospital in Phnom Penh.  It was a nice straight cut this time but still they gave Amelie a general anesthetic and we spent another night in the hospital.  Mum, Dad and Jarrah stayed in a nice hotel around the corner (Jarrah needing an ice cream bribe to stay with Mum and Dad).

So we have now learned that Bambi needs to be locked up for life (Amelie's words).  We have had many offers from people to take him off our hands - for less than pure reasons.

The Dressings - sorry no wound pictures

Post Discharge at the hotel restaurant

Trying to get a straight faced shot - impossible

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