Took some lessons before she realised she was supposed to blow out the candles - then she wanted to blow them out over and over again.

Reading time. It has been cold lately hence the beanies. Usually reading time is on the toilet in the background.
It was Jarrah's birthday on Saturday. 2! Amelie had gone in with Daddy and bought Jarrah a red "hoppity hop" dog. She also got a toy sheep (a recycled baby present that i hadn't given her yet - bad parents we are). We baked her a carrot cake and decorated it with purple icing and snakes and M&Ms. Very exciting for a 2 year old - she preferred to eat the snakes and the M&Ms and the black cherry jelly.
The squirrel is currently caged. He has been in and out since the incident. Yesterday he was out and seemed to be making Amelie's room into his room. He was in there a lot of the day. When Jarrah and I went to take Jarrah's nap, we put the mossie net down (or should I call it the squirrel net) and managed to have a nap - he noticed us there and jumped onto the net one time, but jumped straight off. He managed to bite holes in the spines of 3 books. I am also finding lots of Jombok seeds stashed all over the house. This is good for Jarrah because she loves (really LOVES) Jombok (or BaBa as she calls them). At one time, when they were plentiful, she would enlist any willing person to "dom Jombok" for her (split the seeds) for her to eat. Quite obsessive about it. Now they aren't so plentiful so we have a little peace. But thanks to Buggy, there are a few around to make her happy.
Amelie has been going to Khmer school for a good stretch of time lately. We will be going to Thailand next week so she'll miss a couple of weeks of school there. And lately, we haven't been doing homeschooling faithfully because I was working. She said to me today that she remembers all her Khmer numbers but has forgotten her English. We better get back to our program! She is reading very well on her own though. Lucky for me she is a quick learner.
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thank you for visiting my blog and for ur sweet comment! you have a beautiful family!
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