Jarrah who is two tomorrow has been spending a lot of time in the village these last couple of days while i have been working. She is watched over by Ung's wife or whoever else there is in the family will play with her. She loves her time there but hates it when i take her - or rather hates me leaving her there. So I try to get Ben to drop her off when she is happy to go to Om Nuon. On Monday, when took I took Amelie to school, I dropped her off myself resulting in many tears. After I left she actually went to sleep with Om Nuon and wouldn't let her exit the hammock. On Tuesday, I couldn't bear to drop her off myself so I brought her home and did this and that till i was ready to start my work. Then Ung came to take her but she was a bit suspicious and wary of going to Ung (she normally loves to spend time with him) - I had some money in my pocket so told her to go to buy some "num" so off she went happily with 500 riel in her pocket to buy something to eat. This is something I scoffed at with Amelie - Amelie didn't know what buying things was and didn't know what money was for at 2. I didn't think children shouldn't be asking for money to buy things at such a young age and now I am setting up Jarrah to do so!! The things we do to make things easier for the moment!
And now, what I was actually going to write about - Jarrah is learning all sorts of things in the village. She is standing here as type this with Ben's bike pump and saying "Vie Mummy Vie Mummy," lightly hitting me with it. You can imagine what Vie means. Khmers will affectionately vie little children... sometimes not so affectionatly also, but it kind of has a similar meaning to "your so cute, I want to eat you!"
She is also learning how to play marbles. She has about 4 marbles which are lost at the moment. She tries to get us to play with her and puts her hands up like the kids do when they line up their marbles. But alas her parents are so unskilled. She has her village friends luckily and calls for Chey and Nan to play with her.
She is talking lots now. Her pronunciation is not so good (i.e. "date" could mean gate or snake or some other words can't think of right now).. she is blowing at me right now wanting i gather meaning she wants me to blow bubbles with her so i better go... bye.