Thursday, August 1, 2013

Maths Problems

Well Amelie had a question today on her maths work. 


If there are 6 rows of desks and 5 desks in each row and 40 children in the class, how many desks are still needed? 


She asked me, “They didn’t say how many children sat at each desk?”  A very valid question considering the only school experience that she has had with 4 to a desk!  Here is a picture from Grade 1 when Amelie was 7.  (Jarrah was just visiting!)


Amelie was able to finish first grade and did half of second grade here at the local primary school.  A result of our frequent absences (trips to Phnom Penh, to Australia, to the beach!) and also the teacher’s (she ran away at some point because she owed someone too much money) meant that we were just wasting a lot of time.  Pretty sad.  But it was a good experience for her and us.  She can still recite some of her alphabet (better than me at least).  We need to find a tutor for her and me (now is that the right pronoun to use there??) so that she can continue where she left off, and so I can finally learn Khmer properly.



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