Friday, March 15, 2013

Poy (1998- ? )

We have a chicken who we call Poy.  We call her Poy because she was given to us by our friend Ming Poy when we first moved to our house in 2002.  When we got her, she was about 4 years old.  That puts her to the grand old age of 15.  I think that is pretty old for a chicken.  She was always a very good mother and looked after her chicks very well.  She’d take in other chicks whose mothers were not so good.  She is still alive and kind of wanders around under the house.  She is blind and so can’t see to peck very well so every day she gets placed in the rice barrel so she can eat as much as she can.  Also has to be placed right next to the water to be able to drink.  I came home from the market this morning to find her in the middle of the driveway.  Had to stop the car and move her.  She has the most horrid feet, rivalling Ben’s (by the way, Ben keeps telling me how nice his feet are compared to the villagers he is working with every day).  We have for these 11 years been calling her Poy when actually her owner’s name is “Bpo-ey.”  Subtle but definite difference in Khmer.  Ben called Ming Bpoey “Poy” the other day and everyone laughed. 

So just wanted to remember this faithful chicken here in case anything happens to her in the next little while. 

Another exciting event with our poultry has been the hatching of 3 baby peacocks.  Actually I’m counting my eggs before they hatch.. I mean one.  One was piercing the egg this morning and hopefully the last will come soon.  We have a number of pecock eggs of various vintages under a number of hens.  Hopefully they will all survive.  We also have some non-fertile peahens laying eggs which is a shame since we only have one male and are worried he will do something bad to the other peahens if they are put together.  Ben just eats those eggs!   

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