Friday, October 21, 2011

The handyman

I was going to write about our trip early this month to Phnom Penh.  Then that all went too fast.  Then we came home and I have had odd things to write about here but haven't until now sat down to start and now the mosquitos are biting me and I just accidentally turned off the internet so we'll see how this goes.
On Sunday I fixed things around the house. I fixed Amelie's lamp which had a rusted out light fitting.  I replaced an electric box which needed two outlets instead of one which brings electricity from our generator to the house (and the washing machine).  I needed two outlets so that we could also plug in an inverter that would convert the 220V power coming from the generator to 110V so we could plug that into the rest of our house and then when the generator was on, we would not have to use the battery power (important in the wet season because of much rain and little sun to charge the batteries).  It is important if we do plug in the generator into our 110V system, that we turn off our regular inverter coming out of the battery so this doesn't get burnt up.  After all that, the other night I said to Ben "I'm a pretty good handyman." That was my failing.  Also, I should remember to write notes to myself.  Yesterday morning, I was doing the washing so I had the generator on.  I thought I would be smart and also plug in the inverter so I could use power in the house for the computer for a bit.  I forgot to go an unplug the other inverter.  So, I burnt up the other inverter.  The new inverter we just bought from the US.  The new inverter with the fan that works good.  The new inverter which we cannot replace except by going to the US!  So, I am not so smart.  I should never think I am smart.  And I should write notes to myself.

Anyway, today, we went through our stash of old inverters and found an old one which has been repaired once and its fan still works for how long we don't know but we are using that now for our electricity.  The kids electricity was not working in their room for some reason after this mishap.  So, today I managed to fix that quite easily luckily.  I'm not going to say anything about me being a handyman though.

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