We just returned from Kompong Saom - the beach - where we had a "retreat" for ADRA staff in Cambodia. This was the first time that ALL of the ADRA team have gotten together in one place. There was almost 170 total all staying in Queen Resort bungalows and hammocks and on the floor. There were some very good talks on leadership which I hope everyone will take to heart. Amelie had fun in the sun enjoying the clear waters floating in her "Tuga - the leatherback sea turtle" donut, and playing on the white sandy beaches building sandcastles. We went with everyone on a boat trip to an island where everyone tried fishing catching a number of poor little fish which they had to keep even though no one ended up eating them. The island had the same clear waters but also these black spiny sea urchins that if you walk on them, are stingy. Ben and Amelie both got little jabs. The treatment is to smash the thorn that is embedded in your foot till it bleeds - which then allows the toxins to be released - otherwise it takes longer to heal. Anyway, Amelie was fine the next day.